soon available on Itunes!
preview: check our video’s on YouTube
wanna buy it now: just send an email ( or FB message (filipverneerteosimon)
00filip 17:49:202016-03-13 17:49:20new CD ‘Meeting Patricia’ out now! 14:21:482016-02-14 14:21:482016 newsletter Filip Verneert-EO Simon
New video Filip Verneert guitar- EO Simon piano from recording session of our new CD, thx to Piet Meerschout (PM recordings) enjoy! 13:03:492016-02-14 13:03:49New Video
new CD ‘Meeting Patricia’ out now!
soon available on Itunes!
preview: check our video’s on YouTube
wanna buy it now: just send an email ( or FB message (filipverneerteosimon)
2016 newsletter Filip Verneert-EO Simon
Check out newsletter with info about our upcoming tour, cd presentation and video.
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New Video
New video Filip Verneert guitar- EO Simon piano from recording session of our new CD, thx to Piet Meerschout (PM recordings) enjoy!