Meer info en instructiefilmpjes: 18:16:122022-10-25 18:16:13Tijd voor Maken, creëren met groepen 18:50:222022-09-14 18:50:23New CD of Emiel Verneert Quintet
In this book, editors Filip Verneert & Thomas De Baets go in search of ‘a didactics of folk’. This publication is in line with the international interest in popular music pedagogies, and wants to contribute to the concretization of an authentic didactics for folk music. In the book, various experts by experience are interviewed, each with their own angles and perspectives. It is a wonderful journey of discovery from research articles to personal stories, tips & tricks for teaching practice, illustrated with beautiful drawings by Herman Dewit.
These guest authors contributed: Wouter Berlaen, Birgit Bornauw, Ana Čorić, Bart De Cock, Leen Devyver, Lander Frans, Elisabeth Fraeyman, Évelyne Girardon, Pär Momberg, Allan Skrobe, Katrien Van Craenenbroeck, Pieterjan Van Kerckhoven, Marieke Van Ransbeeck, Hans Quaghebeur and Dree Peremans. 09:12:432022-09-14 18:52:31New book out about Folk Music didactics (dutch)
Tijd voor Maken, creëren met groepen
Met trots stellen we, componist Bert Appermont, onderzoeker Filip Verneert en pedagoog Erik Schrooten, Tijd voor maken 2 voor!
Deze nieuwe bundel bevat 50 nieuwe maakodrachten om te creëren met groepen.
Ga aan de slag met jouw samenspelgroep, ensemble, koor of orkest en ontdek hoe eenvoudig ‘samen maken’ kan zijn!
Bestel jouw exemplaar via deze link:
Meer info en instructiefilmpjes:
New CD of Emiel Verneert Quintet
Youkali Music 2022
Line Up:
Emiel Verneert (BE) Trumpet
Enrique Simón (ES) Piano
Gil Lachenal (FR) Double Bass
Pedro Vázquez (ES) Drums
Filip Verneert (BE) Guitar
New book out about Folk Music didactics (dutch)
In this book, editors Filip Verneert & Thomas De Baets go in search of ‘a didactics of folk’. This publication is in line with the international interest in popular music pedagogies, and wants to contribute to the concretization of an authentic didactics for folk music. In the book, various experts by experience are interviewed, each with their own angles and perspectives. It is a wonderful journey of discovery from research articles to personal stories, tips & tricks for teaching practice, illustrated with beautiful drawings by Herman Dewit.
These guest authors contributed: Wouter Berlaen, Birgit Bornauw, Ana Čorić, Bart De Cock, Leen Devyver, Lander Frans, Elisabeth Fraeyman, Évelyne Girardon, Pär Momberg, Allan Skrobe, Katrien Van Craenenbroeck, Pieterjan Van Kerckhoven, Marieke Van Ransbeeck, Hans Quaghebeur and Dree Peremans.